Semantic knowledge Management for developing expressivity in inter-linguistic perspective
The result of this experiment was the development of a learning process that focuses on the systematic acquisition of semantic knowledge as a mean to develop mature thinking about language structures and expressivity in inter-linguistic perspective. Using a terminology database for learning the lexicon of the Chinese language, I was able to acquire proficiency in the Chinese language within two years, considerably reducing the time needed in a formal academic path (five years). Last but not least, this learning methodology enabled me to create a learning process, method and materials that can be re-used for the acquisition of other languages.
Semantic Knowledge Management and writing composition exercises
I performed my learning approach beside the regular completion of my university’s assignments, with the consciousness and tools of a linguist, teacher, terminologist and knowledge manager. The practices of semantic knowledge organisation along with the writing composition activity and the publication of my blog, enabled me to maintain my brain active, enabled me to order the many information and facts I had been collecting and sustained my motivation in the continuous acquisition of new terms, language patterns and usages at the same time enabling an unusually rapid progress in my language acquisition.